Marijuana tokers in Leicester might think their police chief is getting a little too high on the state law that decriminalized use of less than an ounce of the drug, and they could be right.

Since the law passed, Leicester has issued some 252 citations, a lot more than Worcester, which issued only 58 over the same period of time.

Take away citations issued in the city by the state police, 36, Worcester State University, 13, and an unnamed agency, one, Worcester police only gave out eight citations in the same period.

“We have a strong enforcement policy,” Leicester Chief James Hurley explained. “We take the law as it is written.”

Which means, according to Chief Hurley, that an individual need not be caught with a joint, or even a roach, to be cited.

Read More: Pot law profits trickle in
Telegram and Gazette, June 29, 2011