The Special Election to fill the seat vacated by Senator Edward Kennedy’s death provides Pot Patriots with an opportunity to make both medicinal use and legalization an issue, if we are loud enough, in both Primary and Final Special Election.

There is no doubt that Senator Kennedy supported Professor Craker’s efforts to grow medicinal quality marijuana in Amherst.  The person who fills his seat must at least support medicinal use and you can help ensure that happens and perhaps our next Senator is even be a supporter of constitutional federal laws that permit states to legalize.

“Reefer Mad” Martha Coakley is the first candidate to file for filling the U.S. Senate seat of the late Edward Kennedy.  Having lead the campaign against Question 2, Mad Martha must have had some kind of epiphany following the election because on June 25 while appearing on the Braude & Eagan show on WTKK she endorsed the concept of medicinal use with a doctor’s recommendation.

What do YOU have to do?  You have to be VOCAL  Contact the Coakley campaign ASAP and demand to know her positions on hemp, medical and federal prohibition.

As other candidates enter the field contact them with the same questions.

Attend forums and ask questions.

Currently announced candidates for the two major parties:


US Representative Michael E. Capuano (not yet formal)

Attorney General Martha Coakley


State Senator Scott P. Brown of Wrentham


We’ll try to keep you informed of candidates positions, but ask you to send any information you may obtain.