Here is a good template to follow when calling;
“Please respect the will of the voters and support S2097.
The Senate amendment is close to what the voters of Massachusetts supported in Question 4! Express your support of the Senate bill, S2097, as it retains the 12% tax rate and local control in voters hands, and allows dispensaries to fast track licenses for recreational sales. This bill has no new law enforcement and repeals neither medical law nor recreational law like the House bill does! It specifically states that all rule violations are civil only with max fine at $100. Selling to a minor is a crime with jail and heavy fine. Grow co-ops encourage entrepreneurship and will prevent monopolies.
Please let me know that you are supporting the bill.”
Click the button on the home page to find the phone numbers of your Senator and Representative. Also, here are the numbers of the Marijuana Regulating committee;
Rep. Mark Cusack – 617-722-2637 – Please keep the taxes low, respect the will of the voters and do not repeal our laws!
Rep. Hannah Kane – 617-722-2430 – Thank you for your thoughtful labeling bill, please keep taxes low.
Rep. Ronald Mariano – 617-722-2300 – Please listen to Dept of Revenue; 12% tax is fine.
Senator Patricia Jehlen – 617-722-1578 – Thank you for your support!
Senator William Brownsberger – 617-722-1280 – Thank you for your support!
Senator Richard Ross – 617-722-1555 – Please read the testimony you missed, Aand vote for the Senate version to keep the tax rate low.