Compassion Finds a Voice in the Boston Herald

Despite the Boston Herald’s official disavowal of Question 3, columnist Margery Eagan, writing in the Oct. 25th issue, came out in favor of medical marijuana, getting to the heart of the reason why Question 3 should pass and why it is likely to pass: ...

Boston Herald: Reefer Sanity by SJC

Your editorial demonstrates an author suffering “reefer madness,” an illness that causes the sufferer to forget the principles of the Constitution (“Wacky weed indeed,” April 21). The Supreme Judicial Court implies that police may give the operator a citation for...

Boston Herald: Clueless SJC

Maybe the Supreme Judicial Court is immune from the myriad crimes associated with drug use and possession, but the common citizen is not (“It may stink, but it’s not criminal,” April 19). To further handicap law enforcement’s ability to root out other potential...