H3195 – Providing Protection For Children


From Brittny Mammano


The Joint Committee on Marijuana Policy

On H. 3195, Sponsored by Representative Denise Provost

Providing Protections for Children


Chairwoman Jehlen, Chairman Cusack, and members of the Committee, my name is Brittny Mammano. Thank you for this opportunity to present some remarks about H3195, An Act to Improve Taxation and Regulation of Marijuana, Sponsored by the honorable Representative Denise Provost.


Chapter 334, also known as Q4, allows for the legal possession and use of Marijuana by people over the age of 21. H3195, however, provides for many more protections for the citizens of the Commonwealth who are under the age of 21 and has specific rules to protect them from exposure to advertising and sales, to ensure that sales to those under 21 do not occur and to provide penaties for those who provide marijuana to individuals under the age of 21.


Some of the Protections in this bill are:

  • Strict rules for identification of individuals under the age of 21 for marijuana retail establishments.


  • Denial of  access, to those under 21, to retail space where marijuana products are displayed for sale.



  • Requirement of a training program for retail employees on preventing the sale of marijuana to minors.
  • Requirement for retail establishments to post penalties for sale of marijuana to minors.


  • Creation of a   “Secret Shopper” program to monitor compliance of retail establishments regarding sale to minors.


  • Bans sale of marijuana through vending machines or self-service displays.


  • Prohibition on outdoor advertising within 1000 feet of playground, park, or school.


  • Limits point of sale advertising to no lower than five feet of floor, within 1000 feet of playground, park, or school.


  • Prohibits advertising using cartoon characters.


  • Requires all purchases to be in sealed containers.


  • Requires labeling of containers to read “For adults only. Keep out of reach of children.”


  • Requires strict penalties for adults who provide access to marijuana for minors, or who allow consumption of marijuana by minors on property they control.  Fine of up to $1000 and/ or one year imprisonment for first offense.


  • Requires juveniles who purchase marijuana to undergo substance abuse treatment evaluation, with results provided to their parent or legal guardian.


  • Provides funding for substance abuse prevention andtreatment through a diversion 12.5% of all tax revenues from the sale of marijuana.



Thank for allowing me to speak. I urge you to take a serious look at H3195. It contains superior provisions to protect the Children of the Commonwealth.